Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: tennyson
IPA transcription: [t'ɛnɪsən]
Pronunciations of tennyson
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: Tennyson, Alfred_Tennyson, First_Baron_Tennyson, Alfred_Lord_Tennyson
    Meaning: Englishman and Victorian poet (1809-1892)
Usage examples
  • 'But of course there was a time when Tennyson was a great deal more to me than he is now.'
  • Tennyson, a very typical nineteenth century man, uttered one of the instinctive truisms of his contemporaries when he said that there was faith in their honest doubt.
  • "A knight," said Miss Drew, who was struggling to inspire her class with enthusiasm for Tennyson's "Idylls of the King," "a knight was a person who spent his time going round succouring the oppressed."
  • There was also Sir Richard Grenville, immortalized by Tennyson in "The Revenge," and John Pascoe Grenville, the right-hand man of Admiral Cochrane, who boarded the Spanish admiral's ship, the Esmeralda, on the port side, while Cochrane came up on the starboard, when together they made short work of the capture.
  • To get the final lilt of songs, To penetrate the inmost lore of poets--to know the mighty ones, Job, Homer, Eschylus, Dante, Shakespere, Tennyson, Emerson; To diagnose the shifting-delicate tints of love and pride and doubt-- to truly understand, To encompass these, the last keen faculty and entrance-price, Old age, and what it brings from all its past experiences.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Ulysses (poem), License CC BY-SA 4.0