Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: tiller
IPA transcription: [t'ɪlɚ]
verb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: stool, tiller
    Meaning: grow shoots in the form of stools or tillers
Usage examples
  • "Hard aport with the tiller!
  • "What a clever boy you must be to learn so quickly to handle the tiller.
  • He took the tiller, and unmoored; the sail was set, and we were soon afloat.
  • John Hillis was a tiller of the ground under a widow lady (Mrs. Louisa Le Count), of the New Market District, Maryland.
  • So I directed Bob to keep the cutter away about three points, and then lash the tiller, and lend me a hand to get our balloon canvas set.
  • I was at the tiller; so Bob took the glass, and levelling it at the brig, gave her a more thorough scrutiny than we had bestowed upon her at all hitherto.
  • Sylvia sat in the stern beside her father, and very soon the tiller was in her hand and she was shaping the boat's course toward the forts. Grace watched her admiringly.
  • Bob took the tiller, desiring me to work the gun, as I was not only a more practised artillerist than he, but knew also how to handle a breech-loader, and I had the knack somehow of shooting straight.
  • There were three other men besides,--three strange brutish-looking fellows, at whom the staghounds were snarling savagely. Montgomery, who was steering, brought the boat by me, and rising, caught and fastened my painter to the tiller to tow me, for there was no room aboard.