putter, mess_around, potter, tinker, monkey, monkey_around, muck_about, muck_around
Meaning: do random, unplanned work or activities or spend time idly; "The old lady is usually mucking about in her little house"
Usage examples
The tinker, with the frying-pan for a shield, renders them immovable, and blacks their cheeks.
Arthur-a-Bland, with a gold chain about his neck, given him by the knight Sir Richard, walked with Middle the Tinker on his left and Much the Miller on his right.
Butler will lie on our table all winter beside Bunyan; the bishop beside the tinker, the philosopher beside the poet, the moralist beside the evangelical minister.
Bjornstam could do anything with his hands--solder a pan, weld an automobile spring, soothe a frightened filly, tinker a clock, carve a Gloucester schooner which magically went into a bottle.