Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: tormented
IPA transcription: [t'ɔɹm,ɛntɪd]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: anguished, tormented, tortured
    Meaning: experiencing intense pain especially mental pain; "an anguished conscience"; "a small tormented schoolboy"; "a tortured witness to another's humiliation"
Usage examples
  • But how she tormented me!
  • It was through spite I tormented you all.
  • "You will forgive me for having tormented you?
  • Her face was the face of one who is tormented.
  • "Nothing, my lord, except that he is tormented with remorse."
  • "Nor death hath reached him yet, nor guilt doth bring him," My Master made reply, "to be tormented; But to procure him full experience,
  • If the heart were always malleable and the feelings could be controlled, who would permit himself to be tormented by any of the reverses which affection meets?
  • Is there any connection between their orbital distances, or between their orbits and the times of describing them? These things tormented him, and he thought about them day and night.
  • The volume of smoke that went up must have been visible to other planets--or, tormented with our crawlings and scurryings, the earth complained to Mars; swore a vast black oath at us.
  • Numberless workmen have been employed, and the superintending artist has improved the labourers, whose unskilfulness tormented him, by obliging them to submit to the discipline of rules.