Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: tremulous
IPA transcription: [tɹ'ɛmjələs]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: quavering, tremulous
    Meaning: (of the voice) quivering as from weakness or fear; "the old lady's quavering voice"; "spoke timidly in a tremulous voice"
Usage examples
  • A tremulous joy came upon him.
  • Her voice was tremulous with anxiety and investigation.
  • "Wait," she said, and held up a little, tremulous hand.
  • Her color was high, and when she spoke her voice was tremulous.
  • I would not disturb you." She spoke with a tremulous voice and a quick, uneasy glance, and started to move backward out of the alcove.
  • Nearer and louder grew the voices--one was the clear flute tones of a young brave and the other the tremulous squeaks of an old grandfather.
  • "What is exciting him?" asked his mistress, as the dog suddenly broke into short angry barks, with a running accompaniment of tremulous whines.
  • I listened, but heard nothing save a deep, dull, droning sound, which seemed to fill all the air and make it all tremulous with its vibrations.
  • The sight of the well-known writing gave him a shock of mingled surprise and hope, and his fingers were faintly tremulous as they tore open the envelope.
  • The doubt gave a tremulous eagerness to her step and caused her eye to wander immediately to that forbidden corner soon as she had stepped over the threshold.