Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: tribal
IPA transcription: [tɹ'aɪbəl]
Pronunciations of tribal
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: tribal
    Meaning: relating to or characteristic of a tribe; "tribal customs"
Usage examples
  • Small thieves, pickpockets and the like, flocked to Mr. Jarvis as their tribal leader and protector and he protected them.
  • One of our most curious sports was a war upon the nests of wild bees. We imagined ourselves about to make an attack upon the Ojibways or some tribal foe.
  • Each foreign element in a community had its own intellectual life and immemorial tribal traditions, which reflected ancient habits of life and perpetuated the doctrines of eponymous ancestors.
  • There's one thing that's the matter with Gopher Prairie, at least with the ruling-class (there is a ruling-class, despite all our professions of democracy). And the penalty we tribal rulers pay is that our subjects watch us every minute.
  • The petty kingdoms of Sumeria appear to have been tribal in origin. Each city was presided over by a deity who was the nominal owner of the surrounding arable land, farms were rented or purchased from the priesthood, and pasture was held in common.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Hillary Clinton, License CC BY-SA 4.0