Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: tubby
IPA transcription: [t'ʌbi]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: dumpy, podgy, pudgy, tubby, roly-poly
    Meaning: short and plump
Usage examples
  • 'Stop her! called Tubby.
  • 'Well, and the other one?' asked Tubby.
  • 'Gracious! what a pretty girl!' said Tubby.
  • Tubby showed his patience by abusing his son.
  • While it was browning at the fire, Tubby inquired for his goose a second time.
  • He jumped lightly on his horse, and was a mile from home before Tubby had ceased laughing.
  • That evening Tubby and his son ate the golden apples at supper, and thought them delicious.
  • In order to do her more honour, Tubby came to meet her at the foot of the great marble staircase.
  • Then he went, all dressed for a journey, to the bedside of Tubby, and found him smoking his first pipe.
  • However, to make up, the other guests ate greedily, and, as for Tubby, nothing ever took away his appetite.