Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: unheard
IPA transcription: [ənh'ɝd]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: unheard
    Meaning: not necessarily inaudible but not heard
Usage examples
  • Olvir Nikkolon's mouth was working as he shouted unheard.
  • They did not speak of it there, and elsewhere it is unheard of.
  • He very gently let himself in, and unheard, unseen, mounted the stairs.
  • "It is just the same as if your majesty were to desire me to hold my tongue, and sent me away unheard."
  • Keepers shall prefer foxes to pheasants, wires shall be unheard of, and Trumpeton Wood shall once again be the glory of the Brake Hunt.
  • Following on these dances came feasts of unheard of magnificence, during which the pope in the sight of all men completely ignored Lent and did not fast.