Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: unlock
IPA transcription: [ənl'ɑk]
Pronunciations of unlock
verb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: unlock
    Meaning: open the lock of; "unlock the door"
  • Synonyms: unlock
    Meaning: set free or release
  • Synonyms: unlock
    Meaning: become unlocked; "The door unlocked from the inside"
Usage examples
  • Unlock rooms and chests and use freely what you will."
  • Walk straight through the cafe and one will be there to unlock the door.
  • All Peter's plans had succeeded, and he actually held in his hand the magic root--that master-key which would unlock all doors, and bring its possessor unheard-of luck.
  • So the lad went the same way which the king had led him the night before, and he bade the king unlock door after door till they came down to the pier which ran out into the sea.
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