Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: uplands
IPA transcription: ['ʌpləndz]
Usage examples
  • The sun just touched the verge of the wooded uplands, as the young people began to descend the slope of Redman's Dell.
  • The wide uplands at once become more rustic, especially those of the left bank, which no longer is threaded by a railway, as heretofore all the way from Brownsville.
  • In front of the schools, which were extensive and stone-built, grew two enormous beeches with smooth mouse-coloured trunks, as such trees will only grow on chalk uplands.
  • The unbroken whiteness of the uplands told that, and, even as they spoke, there came up the hill the dark figures of the farm men with shovels, on their way to dig out the sheep.
  • From the uplands he could get a view of the shaded cut part of the meadow below, with its grayish ridges of cut grass, and the black heaps of coats, taken off by the mowers at the place from which they had started cutting.