extreme, utmost(a), uttermost(a)
Meaning: of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity; "extreme cold"; "extreme caution"; "extreme pleasure"; "utmost contempt"; "to the utmost degree"; "in the uttermost distress"
last, utmost
Meaning: highest in extent or degree; "to the last measure of human endurance"; "whether they were accomplices in the last degree or a lesser one be determined individually"
meaning of the word
utmost, uttermost, maximum, level_best
Meaning: the greatest possible degree; "he tried his utmost"
Usage examples
With the utmost calm he enquired:
"Oh, I will use the utmost diligence.
Molly consented with the utmost enthusiasm.
Yes, he said, he will be in the utmost fear.
He foresaw that walk with the utmost clearness.
Cook slowly and let every grain swell to its utmost.
In the hut all is marching towards the utmost comfort.
But this interview was still of the utmost gravity for her.
He learned every thing to which he applied himself with the utmost ease.
But her appearance threw the ducks into the utmost degree of consternation.