Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: veranda
IPA transcription: [vɚ'ændə]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: veranda, verandah, gallery
    Meaning: a porch along the outside of a building (sometimes partly enclosed)
Usage examples
  • "I'll call her," said Sylvia, and ran out on the veranda.
  • Slowly she walked home and as she reached the veranda, Adam took the baby.
  • A few days after this, Elsie was playing on the veranda, with several other little girls.
  • "May I run to her door and ask if she is?--and if she isn't, may I wait for her out here on the veranda?"
  • It was a large, double cottage, with a broad front veranda, whose round, fluted columns supported the sloping roof.
  • "How everybody talks about you, papa; last evening I was out on the veranda, and I heard John and Miss Stevens' maid, Phillis, talking together.
  • A large party of equestrians were setting out from the hotel that evening soon after tea, and Elsie, in company with several other little girls, went out upon the veranda to watch them mount and ride away.
  • It was now early in the morning, Elsie and her papa were in his room, which was in the second story and opened upon a veranda, shaded by tall trees, and overlooking a large grassy yard at the side of the building.
  • The room was very quiet; but presently Phronsie strayed in, and seeing Polly studying, climbed up in a chair by the window to watch the birds hop over the veranda and pick up worms in the grass beside the carriage drive.
  • The house itself crowned the highest hill that overlooked the town, and its dining-room windows and the veranda without, commanded a view of the river for miles, just where the valley was the greenest and the most beautiful.