Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples
IPA transcription: [v'ɝsɪz]
Usage examples
and the verses which follow,
Edwin Mallett, for example, wrote his verses ending:
And there it is to-day; and on it are the verses ending,
I made the music for Father, because he likes the verses."
"A copy of verses," corrected Carolyn, with a modest catch in her breath.
"Now match your verses," cried her Majesty again, opening her own to read what was in it.
Then, I said, we shall have to obliterate many obnoxious passages, beginning with the verses,
are two strong, simple verses, and indeed the spirit of the whole poem is dignified and stately.
In conclusion, the writer gave way to unconcealed despair, and wound up with the following verses:
Nothing can be clearer on this point than the following verses of Homer, taken from a hymn to Apollo: