Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: villas
IPA transcription: [v'ɪləz]
Usage examples
  • Along the picturesque heights above the lake would rise in beauty the costly villas and the splendid summer residences of capital.
  • "Finally, luxury, carried further and further every day, covered the soil of Italy with elegant villas, which occupied whole cantons.
  • The men of ideas, like young Niccolo Macchiavelli, went to observe and write reports to friends away in country villas; the men of appetites, like Dolfo Spini, bent on hunting down the Frate, as a public nuisance who made game scarce, went to feed their hatred and lie in wait for grounds of accusation.
  • White villas peep from the birch forest; and, on a fine summer day, there is scarcely a turn of the pass at which may not be seen some angler casting his fly on the foam of the river, some artist sketching a pinnacle of rock, or some party of pleasure banqueting on the turf in the fretwork of shade and sunshine.