Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: waging
IPA transcription: [w'eɪdʒɪŋ]
Usage examples
  • "While David was still tending his flocks, King Saul was waging war upon the Philistines, the bitter enemies of our people.
  • The Republicans chose, and the Progressives accepted, Charles E. Hughes, an associate justice of the federal Supreme Court who, as governor of New York, had won a national reputation by waging war on "machine politicians."
  • "Ignorant and stupid as Deerbrook is about many things, Priscilla, it is not so wicked as to thank any one for waging a cowardly war against the good, for disparaging the able and accomplished, and fabricating and circulating injurious stories against people too magnanimous for the slanderer to understand."