Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: warde
IPA transcription: [w'ɔɹd]
Usage examples
  • Warde lived to be an old man and actually did become a famous cavalry leader.
  • The other house is Squerryes Court, belonging then and now to the Warde family, the Wolfes' closest friends.
  • He and George Warde used to go every day during the Christmas holidays behind the pigeon-house at Squerryes Court and practise with their swords and pistols.
  • Wolfe and George Warde were chums from the first day they met. Both wished to go into the Army; and both, of course, 'played soldiers,' like other virile boys.
  • Pray my service to Mr Streton and his family, to Mr and Mrs Weston, and to George Warde when you see him; and pray believe me to be, my dearest Mamma, your most dutiful, loving and affectionate son,