Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: warlike
IPA transcription: [w'ɔɹl,aɪk]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: militant, hawkish, warlike
    Meaning: disposed to warfare or hard-line policies; "militant nations"; "hawkish congressman"; "warlike policies"
Usage examples
  • We had some quiet plays which we alternated with the more severe and warlike ones.
  • When they reached the warlike expedition of the emperor three of the cushions fell down at once.
  • "Explain to me how it happens that, following so peaceful a business, you had such warlike inclinations."
  • Next to these came the mules that carried the engines for sieges, and the other warlike machines of that nature.
  • "Not badly answered, i'faith," said Gondy, laughing; "but I have, you must know, always had, in spite of my bands, warlike inclinations."
  • It was some time before Mr. Grey could get rid of the tailor, but he did so at last without having told any part of the story to that warlike, worthy, and very anxious individual.
  • It was a singular, and perhaps, to our modern ears, a most unladylike proposal; but it shows how, even in the heart of a sovereign countess and a girl general, warlike desires may give place to gentler thoughts.
  • To use the language of the German authorities: "We were perfectly aware that a possible warlike attitude of Austria-Hungary against Serbia might bring Russia upon the field and that it might therefore involve us in a war, in accordance with our duties as allies.
  • The main object of the missionaries was to ascertain the spiritual wants of the warlike Chilcat tribe, with a view to the establishment of a church and school in their principal village; the merchant and his party were bent on business and scenery; while my mind was on the mountains, glaciers, and forests.
  • Watching over this peaceful and gambolling flock of Armenian lambkins is a lone Circassian watchdog; he is of a stalwart, warlike appearance; and although wearing no arms - except a cavalry sword, a shorter broad-sword, a dragoon revolver, a two-foot horse-pistol, and a double-barrelled shot-gun slung at his back - the Armenians seem to feel perfectly safe under his protection.