Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: watchers
IPA transcription: [w'ɑtʃɚz]
Usage examples
  • The next moment the four watchers were in the room wrestling with Wrent.
  • Brion was winning--if none of the watchers broke the impasse. His greater weight and strength counted now.
  • From this time forth three-hour watches were instituted, and day and night the watchers kept their vigils.
  • The watchers in the gallery followed the lion's stare, and saw, with horror, the advancing figure of this fair young girl.
  • There was a faint gaslight outside, and the watchers could see her figure and profile black against the slight illumination.
  • Far below the watchers in the meadow could see the aeroplane careening in the sky, for with the change of control it had taken a sudden dive.
  • The minutes passed slowly in the darkness, and there was an unbroken silence save for the breathing of the watchers and the restless movements of Mrs. Clear near the window.
  • For three or four nights Mrs. Hawkins and Laura had been watching by the bedside; Clay had arrived, preceding Washington by one day, and he was now added to the corps of watchers.
  • Boldly and without hesitation, while all the watchers had eyes but for him alone, the young Lord of Arkell walked straight up to Hercules, the largest of the three, and laid his hand caressingly upon the shaggy mane.
  • They watch for the arrival of the chelonians, and proceed to the extraction of the eggs to the sound of the drum; and the harvest is divided into three parts--one to the watchers, another to the Indians, a third to the state, represented by the captains of the shore, who, in their capacity of police, have to superintend the collection of the dues.