Meaning: lessen the strength of; "The fever weakened his body"
Meaning: become weaker; "The prisoner's resistance weakened after seven days"
sabotage, undermine, countermine, counteract, subvert, weaken
Meaning: destroy property or hinder normal operations; "The Resistance sabotaged railroad operations during the war"
de-escalate, weaken, step_down
Meaning: reduce the level or intensity or size or scope of; "de-escalate a crisis"
Usage examples
My hold on life would weaken; here is my source of supply.
During the interval, he took care not once to refer to his threat, for that would but weaken the impression of it, he knew.
"My idea about the lecture," resumed the Duchess hurriedly, "is to inquire whether promiscuous Continental travel doesn't tend to weaken the moral fibre of the social conscience.
It expands pent-up souls by consolations or advice; it dissipates prejudices which tend to weaken the spirit of obedience; it is, in fine, a sort of instinct which embraces all those things suggested by zeal and devotion.
To move now would be to ensure a rejection of our demands, to bring fresh persecutions upon us, and so to weaken us that we should be powerless to turn to good account the opportunity which the news of another great victory would afford.
I know positively that Mrs. Clark, after swearing that she wouldn't weaken and encourage them in their outrageous demands, went and paid five-fifty--think of it! practically a dollar a day for unskilled work and, of course, her food and room and a chance to do her own washing right in with the rest of the wash.