Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: wines
IPA transcription: [w'aɪnz]
Pronunciations of wines
Usage examples
  • If there were no rich men, the demand for vineyards producing fine wines would be less.
  • He was completely satisfied, both with himself and with Captain Lockwood's taste in wines.
  • He searched for cheap shops; and some men began to say of him that he had found a cheap establishment for such wines as he did not drink himself!
  • The beverages composed partly of fermented liquors, are hot spiced wines, bishop, egg-flip, egg-hot, ale posset, sack posset, punch, and spirits-and-water.
  • "Then we lived in plenty and had both silks and linens and velvets besides in the store closets and were able to buy good wines and live in plenty upon the best.
  • All the girls who had come had been there then; the Jewish band with fiddles and zithers had come, too, and at last the long expected cart had arrived with the wines and provisions.
  • In the harbour of Valparaiso he captured a vessel richly laden with the wines of Chili, and with ingots of gold valued at 37,000 ducats; afterwards he pillaged the town, which had been precipitately abandoned by its inhabitants.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Ceremonial ship launching, License CC BY-SA 4.0