Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: withstand
IPA transcription: [wɪθst'ænd]
verb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: defy, withstand, hold, hold_up
    Meaning: resist or confront with resistance; "The politician defied public opinion"; "The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear"; "The bridge held"
Usage examples
  • Their decimated ranks could not withstand the charge of two armies.
  • Blessed be the Divine goodness, which has enabled thee to withstand so many temptations!
  • Johnston would come up, and Grant, having such heavy losses, would be unable to withstand the united Confederate armies.
  • On they came, and this time with such determination that the trappers could not withstand the assault, but were compelled to retreat.
  • Then ever Sir Tristram smote down knights wonderly to behold, what upon the right hand and upon the left hand, that unnethe no knight might withstand him.
  • One tempting little decoy-fish after another may whisk past her nose, but both palate and stomach easily withstand the temptations that are placed before her surfeited eyes.
  • What the stuff was we could not at first conjecture, or rather, we didn't have much time to speculate on it, for we had to get our ship in shape to withstand we hardly knew what.
  • And therewithal the king smote down his head, and in his heart he feared sore that Sir Tristram should get him such worship in the realm of Logris wherethrough that he himself should not be able to withstand him.
  • And this Galahad, the holy knight, the which fought with the two knights, the two knights signify the two deadly sins which were wholly in this knight Melias; and they might not withstand you, for ye are without deadly sin.
  • The abbots and monks knew the danger to which they were exposed; and having learned by the example of the lesser monasteries that nothing could withstand the king's will, they were most of them induced, in expectation of better treatment, to make a voluntary resignation of their houses.