Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: wooded
IPA transcription: [w'ʊdɪd]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: wooded
    Meaning: covered with growing trees and bushes etc; "wooded land"; "a heavily wooded tract"
Usage examples
  • Behind the hotel, and across the brawling brook, was another level-topped, wooded range exactly like it.
  • The sun just touched the verge of the wooded uplands, as the young people began to descend the slope of Redman's Dell.
  • They walked beneath the venerable flanking trees toward the Maxineff villa, which surmounted a wooded continuation of the street.
  • From Fort Pitt westward the trail crossed a rough, wooded country, and there were no more scows to take the ox-carts across the rivers.
  • We inspect the stunted rosemaries along the edge of a path sheltered by a rocky, wooded slope; we lift the branches that spread over the ground.
  • The mountain before him might be eight hundred feet high, and was only a portion of a long unbroken range, savagely wooded, which followed the stream.
  • The wooded peaks, the impressive promontories of solemn granite, the beautiful green slants of bank and ravine did all they could to reconcile Okochee to the delinquency of miserly gold.