Meaning: a cathedral city in west central England on the River Severn
Meaning: an industrial and university city in central Massachusetts to the west of Boston
Worcester, Joseph_Emerson_Worcester
Meaning: United States lexicographer who was accused of plagiarism by Noah Webster (1784-1865)
Usage examples
He lay five days at Tewkesbury, which was his first stage after leaving Gloucester; and he feigned, by some preparations, to point towards Worcester.
He marched towards Worcester; and Waller received orders from Essex to follow him and watch his motions, while he himself marched into the west, in quest of Prince Maurice.
With this in mind, the author has prepared "The Foolish Dictionary," not in serious emulation of the worthier--and wordier--works of Webster and Worcester, but rather in the playful spirit of the parodist, who would gladly direct the faint rays from his flickering candle of fun to the shrine of their great memories.