Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: workmen
IPA transcription: [w'ɝkmɪn]
Usage examples
  • But he asks if you have arranged for your workmen.
  • These were just common workmen, peasants, "Dark People."...
  • The other workmen have tin buckets, and tin buckets are better.
  • I heard the sounds of the workmen's hammers on the new one as I went.
  • I was a treat to the other workmen in that room; they'll be glad to see me back.
  • We sprayed the monsters with fire as workmen spray fruit trees with insect poison.
  • Some maintain that all that is needed to make workmen more efficient is to feed them well.
  • Some employers in Europe pay their workmen an extra sum on condition that it is spent for meat.
  • Now these workmen accomplished what they were about in four days' time, and opened a broad way for the army.
  • They may be good workmen as far as they go; they may be painstaking; but they cannot be classed as watchmakers.