'Oh, don't go on like that!' cried the poor Queen, wringing her hands in despair.
"By St. George and his Dragon!" ejaculated the master of Harrowby, wringing his hands.
This girl recognized the yellow bird, and instead of wringing its neck, let it fly out of the window.
"Sister Anne, Sister Anne, look once again, can you see no one coming?" whispered the young wife wringing her hands.
Let them boil five minutes; then drain them out of the dye, and rinse them, without wringing, in fair water, and hang them in the shade, where they will dry.
The youth who took the path that ran eastwards arrived presently at a large city, where he found everybody standing at the doors, wringing their hands and weeping bitterly.
Silk and woollen goods should not be boiled in the dye-stuff, but it should be kept at a scalding heat for twenty minutes. Drain the goods without wringing, and hang them in a dry, shady place, where they will have the air.
Set the kettle on the fire, and let the water boil fifteen or twenty minutes; then put in sufficient cold water to make it lukewarm, put in the goods, and boil them an hour and a quarter--take them out without wringing, and dry them in a shady place.